This is the official mobile app for the Houston Texans. Make your Android device a unique part of your gameday experience for Houston Texans games. Want to catch breaking news of the team? See real-time statistics for every drive? Watch video-on-demand clips of press conferences and player interviews? This mobile app includes all of that and more.
- News: Real-time breaking news, previews of upcoming matchups, blogs
- Videos: Video-on-demand clips of press conferences, as well as coach and player interviews
- Photos: Gallery of player action photos from games, as well as Texans Cheerleader photos
- Audio: Exclusive podcasts with players/coach interviews, etc.
- Stats: Real-time stats and scores from the official NFL stats engine, head-to-head stats of the matchup, player stats, drive-by-drive stats, box score, out-of-town scores around the NFL, etc.
- Standings: Division and conference standings
- Fantasy football: Track your fantasy players
- Depth chart: Shown by offense, defense, special teams
- Social media: Aggregated Twitter feed of your favorite Texans tweeps; check in to the stadium on gameday; one-click tweet of all media items; one-click Facebook posting of all media items
- Digital keepsake: Your game-time moment superimposed on the Reliant Stadium videoboard in the form of a unique digital keepsake – send it to friends and family!
- Schedule: Schedule of upcoming games, and scores/stats of previous games from the season, as well as ability to purchase tickets
- Concessions: Interactive map of Reliant Stadium with searchable concessions stands and amenities
- Problem reporting: Send reports of problems/issues around Reliant Stadium directly to team customer service reps
- Evolving home screen: Pregame, in-game, postgame, offseason countdown, draft day
Follow us on Twitter @HoustonTexans and visit
SUPPORT/QUESTIONS; Email or send a tweet to @yinzcam
The official Houston Texans Mobile App is created and maintained by YinzCam, Inc., on behalf of the Houston Texans.
- 新闻:实时最新消息,即将到来的对决,博客预览
- 视频:视频点播剪辑的新闻发布会,以及球员和教练的采访
- 照片:画廊玩家行动从游戏的照片,以及德州的啦啦队照片
- 音频:球员/教练访谈等独家播客
- 统计:实时统计数据和分数由NFL官方统计引擎,头对决统计,播放器,驱动器的驱动器统计,统计框得分,镇周围的NFL分数等。
- 积分榜:司和会议榜上
- 梦幻足球:追踪你的幻想球员
- 深度图:犯罪显示,国防,特别小组
- 社会化媒体:你最喜欢的德州tweeps的聚合Twitter的饲料;检查在赛场上GAMEDAY;一键鸣叫所有媒体项目;一键Facebook上张贴的所有媒体项目
- 数字信物:你的游戏时刻上叠加的形式Reliant体育馆videoboard的独特的数字信物 - 发送给朋友和家人!
- 附表:附表即将到来的比赛,从本赛季之前的游戏分数/统计,以及有能力购买门票
- 特许经营:互动式地图搜索让步的立场和设施的Reliant体育馆
- 问题报告:发送报告的问题/问题直接Reliant体育场周围团队的客户服务代表
- 不断发展的主屏幕:赛前,在游戏中,赛后,休赛期倒计时,选秀日
按照我们在Twitter的@ HoustonTexans访问
支持/问题;或发送电子邮件support@yinzcam.com鸣叫@ yinzcam的
休斯敦德州人官方移动应用程序创建和维护由YinzCam Inc,代表休斯敦德州人。